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                                         Under the direction of Sister Josephine Faliveno, or Sister JoJo as we call herUpper Room Prayer Ministry was
                                         designed to develop skilled and effective prayer warriors through biblical teaching and practical application.   
                                        Our Vision:

                                        To create a prayer ministry and church that will intercede before our God for His

                                        intervention in the lives of our Pastors, leaders, community, state, nation and world. We also will cry out to the Lord for the salvation, healing and                                              restoration of the loved ones of our Agape family.

                                        Our Mission:
                                        To influence our church family to continue in the words of our creator El Shaddai when He said, "My house shall be called a house of prayer.                                                       We will pray and cry for the spiritual and emotional well-being and the needs of our church, community, state, nation and world.

We meet for prayer at the church on Sundays at 8:15 AM and Wednesdays at 7:00 PM. God is looking for those who will stand in the gap! Join us as we move the heavens and the earth in prayer, all to the glory of God!


*Acts 2:1 (NIV) "When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place."


*Acts 2:42 (NIV "They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.


*Isaiah 56:7 (NIV) "These I will bring to my holy mountain and give them joy in my house of prayer.
Their burnt offerings and sacrifices will be accepted on my altar; for my house will be called a house of prayer."




Rev. Vincent Scuttaro, Youth Minister for The Wave Youth Group, focuses on meeting the spiritual needs of young people 13 years and older.


Sold Out Youth Ministry is committed to helping young people become the best they can be and helping them draw closer to Jesus. Our prayer is                      that they receive a greater revelation of who God is and experience Him in a personal way.


Each service includes exciting activities, powerful praise and worship, encouraging prayer time and a powerful message from the Word of God. God has  been moving in a powerful way and the Holy Spirit has been touching many of the teens; changing them, drawing them closer to the Lord and giving them a greater hunger for the things of God!


In addition to our Friday night services, we organize fun and exciting monthly activities which give the youth an opportunity to fellowship with each other.  We also offer opportunities for the youth to get involved in music and drama teams that minister and make a difference for the Kingdom of God.  Come Join Us!  We meet every other Friday at 7:30PM. If you have any additional questions, feel free to contact the church or send us an email.




                                            Men of Vision is an outreach ministry to help men of all ages recognize who they are in Christ, and through Godly fellowship, have the                                                                  opportunity to share their faith and life experiences.  Our Men's Director, Brother Jason Esteves, has such a passion for seeing the men fulfill                                                       their God given destiny.  


                                           Our vision is to equip the church and our community with men from different backgrounds and cultures who are saved by God's Agape love and                                                surrendered to the Lordship of Jesus Christ; thus producing rightful priests of our homes, innovators in our society/community, and Godly                                                          leaders within our marriages, families, church, businesses and government.


Our mission is to reach, teach and release men into our church and communities as effective leaders for today and for tomorrow. And following the example set forth by our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ, transforming ordinary men into fishers of men.

We meet every month on the third Thursday of the month. Check our upcoming events for our next scheduled meeting.




Heart to Heart is a ministry created to bring women into fellowship with one another for emotional support, inner healing, understanding                                                        God's will, and creating Godly relationships.  The ideal way to reach women is through women of God sharing their hearts, teaching,                                                      encouraging and strengthening relationships.  The purpose of Heart to Heart Women's Ministry is to help women grow in the Lord and seek                                                God for the answers in their own lives.  Our Deaconess Cathy Roman has a great passion to see women advance in their relationship with God.


We meet in the church fellowship hall on the first Friday of every month. We also organize outside activities such as bowling, miniature golf, dining                                      out, etc. When women get together in an atmosphere such as this, they become relaxed while getting to know each other in a more personal way.                                      This type of setting is both comfortable and inviting to all those seeking fellowship and a closer relationship with the Lord Jesus. Contact the church                                          or check out our upcoming events for our next scheduled meeting.


Proverbs 31:26 (NIV) "She speaks with wisdom and faithful instruction is on her tongue"




The Masters

                                                        The Master's Children's Ministry is an extensive ministry for children from birth to 12 years old. Under the direction of Sis. Veronika                                                                        Yarleque, our children are well-equipped with excellent teachers and curriculum that guide them closer to the Master.  Our desire                                                                          is to help raise up a child in the way that he or she should go, in a fun and exciting atmosphere.


                                                         We meet on Sunday mornings at 9:00 AM for Breakfast Club.  During Breakfast Club the children are able to bring their breakfast and eat,                                                           play and watch movies while their parents attend morning prayer or prepare for their ministry duties.


                                                        Children's Ministry begins at 10:00 AM during our regular worship service. The children explore the Bible at a level that they can                                                                              comprehend.  They are provided with activities, videos and other resources so they can learn how to apply the Bible scriptures                         and stories to their everyday lives.

On Wednesday evenings we meet at 7:30 PM for games and crafts which are also geared toward learning the Word of God.  We are very excited here at Agape about our Children's Ministry. Come out and let your children be blessed!


“Agape” is the Greek word for God's unconditional love. That is what we at Agape Worship Center aim to portray to the lost, the sick, the hurting, the hopeless, and the brokenhearted.


John 13:34 “A new commandment I give unto you, love one another as I loved you...”


Church Location:
37 West St. 
Bloomfield, NJ 07003

Church Office & Mailing Address:

33 West St.
Bloomfield, NJ 07003


Church Office Hours:
Tues to Fri 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM



PH: 973.429.1100
FX:  973.429.7173

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